I’m using the latest gem version of typo (4.1.1). I’d like to have my
feeds contain an image if it’s included in the article. Lots of blog
feeds do this, and it looks quite nice in places like google reader.
I’ve tried everything I can think of short of hacking code. Can typo do
Rick DeNatale
My blog on Ruby
Le 19 juil. 07 à 23:27, Rick DeNatale a écrit :
I’m using the latest gem version of typo (4.1.1). I’d like to have my
feeds contain an image if it’s included in the article. Lots of blog
feeds do this, and it looks quite nice in places like google reader.
I’ve tried everything I can think of short of hacking code. Can
typo do this?
I don’t understand the question. If you want to post pictures and see
them added in your feed, Typo does this by default.
If you want to have an icon or a banner displayed at the top of your
feed each time someone reads it, it’s not handeled by Typo but by 3rd
party services like feedburner
Frédéric de Villamil
[email protected] tel: +33 (0)6 62 19 1337
http://fredericdevillamil.com Typo : http://typosphere.org
If you have the image as a resource to the article, then typo will
it in the feed. If it is an IMG tag in the body of the article, it will
included in the feed. How is image included in your article that it is
Rick DeNatale wrote:
I’m using the latest gem version of typo (4.1.1). I’d like to have my
feeds contain an image if it’s included in the article. Lots of blog
feeds do this, and it looks quite nice in places like google reader.
I’ve tried everything I can think of short of hacking code. Can typo do this?
I’ve always just had an image in my article using and it will appear in both my article and feed. I do
use feedburner to process my feed though, I’m not sure if that makes a