Can't connect to drb server on localhost


I am trying to get acts_as_ferret/ferret to run, it runs find on my
local machine but when I try and run in on my server I get the following

DRb::DRbConnError (druby://localhost:9100 - #<Errno::ETIMEDOUT:
Connection timed out - connect(2)>):

Any advice?


James Burka wrote:


I am trying to get acts_as_ferret/ferret to run, it runs find on my
local machine but when I try and run in on my server I get the following

DRb::DRbConnError (druby://localhost:9100 - #<Errno::ETIMEDOUT:
Connection timed out - connect(2)>):

Any advice?


I should of mentioned this earlier , the ferret_server is runing

ps aux | grep ferret_server
ruby script/ferret_server start -e production

and the server appears to be listening to port 9010

lsof -i | grep 9010
ruby TCP localhost:9010 (LISTEN)