Can't make Warbler exclude test gems using Bundler

We’d been using an earlier version of Warbler with no problems, but are
now trying to upgrade to Bundler. I have only bundler itself installed
as a ‘conventional’ gem, and have used bundler to install all our
application gems.

Bundler seems to be working fine; all our gems are located when running
our test suite. ‘Rake war’ also succeeds in that environment; it
bundles all our gems into an enormous war file.

I cannot, however, convince warbler to create a war file with just my
‘production’ gems.

I’m trying this:

> bundle install --without=development test
> bundle lock
> rake war (or bundle exec warble)

But I get the following error:

Could not find gem 'rspec (>= 0, runtime)' in the gems available on 

this machine.

Which seems to come ultimately from write_war_environment call inside
warbler’s config.rb. Apparently warbler is still trying to include my
test code.

What am I missing?

jruby 1.5
rails 2.3.5
bundler 0.9.25
warbler 1.1.0


On Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 6:20 PM, Matt K. [email protected]

What am I missing?

You’re probably not missing anything – I suspect that Warbler isn’t
understanding the --without workflow yet and just trying to merge
everything in. It seems that we need a way to tell Warbler to load the
Bundler environment “–without” some groups. Maybe you can fork or
clone Warbler and play around with that? The code is in


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Okay thanks for the info. I made a wee bit more progress since my first
message, but nothing definite to report yet. I’ll keep you posted.
