Cap deploy problem

Can anybody tell me what’s happening here?

I can do this, with the expected results:

ssh -l somename cd /var/www/dir1/dir2/current && ls -l

But then I do something similar via Capistrano I get an error at the

  • executing task symlink
  • executing “ln -nfs /var/www/dir1/dir2/releases/20070302122224
    servers: [“”]
    [] executing command
    command finished
  • executing task restart
  • executing task restart_mongrel_cluster
  • executing “mongrel_rails cluster::restart -C
    servers: [“”]
    [] executing command
    ** [out ::] Stopping 3 Mongrel servers…
    ** [out ::] Starting 3 Mongrel servers…
    command finished
  • executing task after_restart
  • executing task restart_backgroundrb
  • executing task stop_backgroundrb
  • executing “cd /var/www/dir1/dir2/current && script/backgroundrb stop”
    servers: [“”]
    [] executing command
    command finished
  • executing task start_backgroundrb
  • executing “RAILS_ENV=production nohup cd /var/www/dir1/dir2/current
    && script/backgroundrb start”
    servers: [“”]
    [] executing command
    ** [out ::] nohup:
    ** [out ::] appending output to nohup.out' ** [out ::] nohup: ** [out ::] cannot run command cd’
    ** [out ::] : No such file or directory

I can give the same command from an ssh login shell and it works as

Clues for the clueless?

–Al Evans

This is the command that is failing:

RAILS_ENV=production nohup cd /var/www/dir1/dir2/current &&
script/backgroundrb start

I believe this will fail if you run it directly as well.

Try changing it to this:
export RAILS_ENV=production && cd /var/www/dir1/dir2/current && nohup
script/backgroundrb start

(You may also need to add an ‘&’ to the end.)

Shawn Balestracci

Vegan Buddy wrote:

Try changing it to this:
export RAILS_ENV=production && cd /var/www/dir1/dir2/current && nohup
script/backgroundrb start

Thanks! That worked great.

(You may also need to add an ‘&’ to the end.)

That isn’t necessary with the current version of backgroundrb.

Again, thank you for your help.

–Al Evans