This may really be an ec2onrails question, but figured I’d ask anyway…
After getting fairly convoluted logic in my deploy.rb to handle
multiple environments, I discovered capistrano/ext/multistage, which
looks like exacty what I need.
When I try to use it, though, I’m getting this error:
cap testing ec2onrails:setup
- executing
testing' triggering start callbacks for
ec2onrails:setup’ - executing `multistage:ensure’
- executing `ec2onrails:setup’
- executing
ec2onrails:server:set_admin_mail_forward_address’ is only run for
servers matching {:roles=>[]}, but no servers matched
(pretty sure I have my deploy.rb changed correctly, and have rails_env
and role specifications in my config/deploy/testing.rb)
I did a little digging and it looks like what’s happening is that in
recipes.rb, the setting of :all_admin_role_names
and :all_non_admin_role_names is happening /before/ multistage calls
the .rb file, so none of the roles are defined at that point.
Seems weird, though, because it sounds like this is working for other