cast_off-0.4.0 has been released.
Currently, CastOff is alpha version. It may make your program unstable.
- About CastOff
CastOff is a compiler for Ruby1.9.3. cast_off | | your community gem host
Github: GitHub - soba1104/CastOff: CastOff is a compiler for Ruby1.9.3. Command line tool cast_off is available after installation. See 'cast_off --help' for more information.
CastOff compiles Ruby method (method written in Ruby) into C extension
(method written in C). CastOff can reduce Ruby virtual machine overhead,
so by use of CastOff, the performance of compilation target method can
CastOff supports runtime compilation, profiling execution,
deoptimization, re-compilation, annotation, and reuse of compiled codes.
CastOff provides these functions without modifying a Ruby interpreter.
Outline and Internal of CastOff is available on
- Installation
$gem install cast_off
Command line tool cast_off is available after installation.
Currently, CastOff supports Ruby1.9.3 only.
So, if you attempt to use CastOff, please install CastOff under
Ruby1.9.3 runtime.
See ‘cast_off --help’ or
for more information.