Hello everybody
I’m new here. Looking for a bit of help.
I have a long list with radio buttons generated by the attached code. I
need to change this from radio buttons to 2 drop down boxes. One for the
Add-On name and one for the billing cycle. To see the page in action
Click Here.
Hope somebody can give me some pointers.
Many Thanks
Here is the code:
[code]<%= user_menu %>
We offer some additional services to improve your web site or hosting experience. Please select any you'd like to order below.
<% if no_upsell? %><% end %> <% i = 0 %> <% addon_products.each do | product | %><%= product.name.html %>
<%= product.description %>
<% if product.linkable? %>Link to: <%= product.link_select(i, linkable_domains, package_linked_domains) %>
<% end %> <% if product.link_error==:no_domains %>You have no domain names available to attach this to. Please order one if you wish to purchase this item.
<% elsif product.link_error==:no_packages %>You have no packages available to attach this to. Please order one if you wish to purchase this item.
<% elsif product.link_error %>Purchasing this add-on is not currently possible. Please try again later.
<% end %>disabled='disabled' <% end %>type='checkbox' name='add-product' value='<%= product.specific_type.html %>:<%= i %>:base_renewal_period,quoted_unit_price,link_to' /><%= billing.currency_symbol.html %><%= billing.price(product.unit_price, :use_tax_prefs) %> <% if product.base_renewal_period != 'never' %> every <%= product.unit_period.to_s_short.html %> <% end %> <% if product.setup_fee != 0 %> plus a one off fee of <%= billing.currency_symbol.html %><%= sprintf("%.2f", if billing.include_tax? then billing.price(product.setup_fee) else product.setup_fee end) %> <% end %> *
<% i = i + 1 %> <% end %> <% unless basket.nil? or basket.empty? or no_upsell? %>No thank you, please continue with my order ....
<% end %> <% if not billing.tax_applies? %> <% elsif billing.include_tax? %>* Includes <%= billing.tax_name %>
<% else %>* Excluding <%= billing.tax_name %>
<% end %>