Chrome browser

Has anyone seen issues with chrome browser and captchator? I am on mac
osx and fails check_answer every time. If I use safari captcha also

Captcha also works on chrome windows 7.

Any thoughts?

I’m on mac as well, everything works well

Not a Ruby related question for me. But I generally use LuaKit on my Raspberry Pi 3 model B, and google asks if I am not a bot! Then when I solve a captcha, google shows another one. Same goes until you log in. But when I switch to browsers like Falkon which uses QtWebEngine BTW, I don’t see the similar problem. But it appears on any browser if you are doing many searches.
In such case, I use DuckDuckGo search engine - and that isn’t as good as google. But for a non-extensive search it’s quite fine!
So I suggest you to sign in with your google account in order to avoid captcha!