Cipher differences between 1.7.1 and 1.7.2+

Hi All,

I spent lots of time today trying to upgrade from 1.7.1 to 1.7.3, so
thought I’d share my findings in case someone else hits the same issue.
store values in a database encrypted, and was getting errors decrypting
once I upgraded.

I have a function:

def cipher(s, key, decrypt=false)
cipher =“CBC”)
cipher.decrypt if decrypt
cipher.key = key
response = “”
response << cipher.update(s)
response <<

Here’s the output from usage in 1.7.1:

key = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.generate(1024)

x = cipher(“hi”, key.to_pem)
=> “\xA0\xF5+0\xCEWD\x96o\x95\xA6\b\x1D\xE1\xC0\xCD”
cipher(x, key.to_pem, true)

And here is the output from usage in 1.7.3

x = cipher(“hi”, key.to_pem)
=> “\xCB\x99\xD3\xC1\x8F\xC7\x82\xD7R\x10*{\xE6’\x1A\xB9”
cipher(x, key.to_pem, true)
=> “hi”

The difference is because of
This change was made in 1.7.2 and changes the default of the IV for the
cipher. This means that if you’ve encrypted something in <1.7.1 without
setting a custom IV, you won’t be able to decrypt in >1.7.2 without
the old IV default (“OpenSSL for JRuby rulez!”).


Yeah sorry about that one…obviously the fix was the right thing to
do, since we weren’t matching MRI’s encryption/decryption, but it does
mean pre-fix encoded data will have an issue. Thanks for posting your
story; hopefully others will see it if they run into issues.

  • Charlie

On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 7:20 PM, Ben Porterfield

Thanks Charlie! Definitely an understandable change.

Additional point for those like me who are less familiar with encryption

as noted here(
Class: OpenSSL::Cipher (Ruby 1.9.3))
I should probably be using custom IV for each encryption and this would
then not be a problem. I think my specific use case doesn’t really
it, but it’s probably poor form no matter what.

On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 5:33 PM, Charles Oliver N.