:class in link_to_remote

Can html_options be sent to link_to_remote?

Here is how I am doing it and it is not working i.e. class="" is not
appearing in the tag.

<%= link_to_remote(@user.tags.list_of(:category => ‘location’,
:with_links => false), :update => ‘location’, :url => {:action =>
‘edit_location’}, :class => ‘inline_edit’ ) %>

Doen anyone see what I am doing wrong?

John K.
[email protected]

FIXED IT… but I don’t like the fix at all. Too many squiglies…

The fix:
<%= link_to_remote(@user.tags.list_of(:category => ‘location’,
:with_links => false), {:update => ‘location’, :url => {:action =>
‘edit_location’}}, :class => ‘inline_edit’ ) %>

On 9/9/06, John K. [email protected] wrote:

John K.
[email protected]

John K.
[email protected]

