Cleaning up after stories

do I have to manually clear out the database after a story runs?
Seems like the data the story left is still in there.


On Wed, 19 Mar 2008, Joe Van D. wrote:

do I have to manually clear out the database after a story runs?

I’m wondering the same, but with specs. Database gets dirty and
tests start to fail when i repeatedly do rake spec.

On 3/20/08, Tero T. removed_email_address@domain.invalid wrote:

On Wed, 19 Mar 2008, Joe Van D. wrote:

do I have to manually clear out the database after a story runs?

I’m wondering the same, but with specs. Database gets dirty and
tests start to fail when i repeatedly do rake spec.

From what I’ve seen, the test infrastructure (which RSpec takes from
the Rails Test::Unit based code) relies on fixtures to initialize the
database BEFORE running tests.

The setup code clears any tables for which fixtures are declared, then
loads those fixtures.

It’s a little counterintuitive that the tables don’t get cleared AFTER
the test, but I guess it makes sense in that without clearing before
loading those tables wouldn’t be in a known state at the beginning of
the test.

What I’ve done is to have fixtures with a single record for tables I
want to ‘clear’. Alternatively you can do something like:


For any tables you want to clear, in the before block for tests, or in
the xxx_story.rb for stories.

Rick DeNatale

My blog on Ruby

On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 4:02 AM, Rick DeNatale removed_email_address@domain.invalid

database BEFORE running tests.
want to ‘clear’. Alternatively you can do something like:


For any tables you want to clear, in the before block for tests, or in
the xxx_story.rb for stories.

Seems like the tables should get cleared before and after the tests?