I am trying to measure code coverage on nginx with lcov (gcov) tool. So
far I am able to get code coverage results, but they are always the
same. Here is a short recap on what I’ve done.
Downloaded source code.
$ cd /opt
$ wget http://nginx.org/download/nginx-1.2.1.tar.gz
$ tar xzvf nginx-1.2.1.tar.gz
$ cd nginx-1.2.1
$ chmod -R 777 .
Compiled source code with following compiler and linker flags.
$ ./configure --with-cc-opt=–coverage --with-ld-opt=-lgcov
$ make
$ make install
I have done code coverage measurements in following order.
$ lcov --directory /opt/nginx-1.2.1 --zerocounters
$ /usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx
Made an HTTP request to nginx server.
$ lynx http://localhost:80
$ /usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx/nginx -s quit
$ lcov --directory /opt/nginx-1.2.1 --capture --output-file app.info
–base-directory /opt/nginx-1.2.1
$ genhtml -o /opt/report1 app.info
Here are the code coverage results.
lines…: 15.1% (4159 of 27467 lines)
functions…: 22.6% (262 of 1158 functions)
branches…: 11.7% (2231 of 19121 branches)
My problem is that I get exactly the same code coverage result when I
don’t even make the HTTP request. I think the code coverage in this case
should be smaller than when an HTTP request has been made.
And I get exactly the same code coverage result even if I use several
different request methods (GET, HEAD, PUT, DELETE, POST and TRACE). I
think the code coverage in this case should be bigger than when only one
HTTP request has been made.
Could someone please give an advice on this?
Posted at Nginx Forum: