Hi Ruby_pals,
Say, I have login and password for an account.
Is it possible to get logged into it through a ruby code.
Kindly suggest, ways.
Hi Ruby_pals,
Say, I have login and password for an account.
Is it possible to get logged into it through a ruby code.
Kindly suggest, ways.
Sachin Gadkar wrote:
Hi Ruby_pals,
Say, I have login and password for an account.
Is it possible to get logged into it through a ruby code.
One way is to use scRUBYt!:
rubyforge_data = Scrubyt::Extractor.define do
fetch ‘http://rubyforge.org/’
click_link ‘Log In’
fill_textfield ‘form_loginname’, ‘login_here’
fill_textfield ‘form_pw’, ‘pass_here’
submit 0
stuff ‘My Personal Page’
Or you can use WWW::Mechanize (scRUBYt! is also built on Mechanize) to
do the same thing. If you would like to also scrape something there, I
would suggest scRUBYt!, otherwise Mechanize is the way to go.
http://www.rubyrailways.com :: Ruby and Web2.0 blog
http://scrubyt.org :: Ruby web scraping framework
http://rubykitchensink.ca/ :: The indexed archive of all things Ruby
On Thu, Mar 29, 2007 at 11:16:20PM +0900, Sachin Gadkar wrote:
Hi Ruby_pals,
Say, I have login and password for an account.
Is it possible to get logged into it through a ruby code.Kindly suggest, ways.
I kindly suggest that you ask your question in a more specific way.
“An account” could mean a zillion things. A Windows account? A Unix
A Cisco router login? A bank account? The question is meaningless as it
If you phrased the question as: “I have a login and password for an
on a Unix machine which I can access via telnet or ssh. Is there a Ruby
client for either of these protocols?” then it would be specific. On the
other hand, taking 30 seconds of your time to enter the keywords into
would immediately give you the answer you are looking for. Not doing
just gives the impression that you can’t be bothered to think for
For advice on ways to get better answers from mailing lists, try reading
Hey ya, sorry for not being specific. would keep that in mind for the
Thanks for the comment.
On 3/30/07, Brian C. [email protected] wrote:
“An account” could mean a zillion things. A Windows account? A Unix
would immediately give you the answer you are looking for. Not doing this
And thanks a lot to Peter S…
You have given the right direction for my query. You answer replies to
exactly wanted to know.
Thanks a lot.
And finally I love ruby.
On 3/30/07, Peter S. [email protected] wrote:
fetch ‘http://rubyforge.org/’
Or you can use WWW::Mechanize (scRUBYt! is also built on Mechanize) to
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