Com.kenai code in jrubycomplete


I had an issue a while back in which my jruby code barfed when
com.kenai.constantine.Platform got the package name (issue discussed
Trying to embed jruby within an app in onejar - JRuby - Ruby-Forum). This happens when I’m executing
code within a jar file but not when I have code running expanded on
disk. In
an old version of jruby, I just got a hold of the com.kenai code, fixed
and rolled my own jrubycomplete.jar. I just changed my project to use
1.6 and the problem returned. So, to fix it, I was going to do the same
thing. However, I can’t seem to find the com.kenai code anywhere.
Furthemore, that code isn’t in the jruby source download either.

Does anyone know where I can get the source? Better yet, does anyone
what happened to com.kenai.constantine?


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robert tomb
twitter: @bikeonastick

The “constantine” project has moved around a bit, but now lives on
Github under the jnr/jnr-constants project.

I assume your setup broke because some code of yours was going after
constantine values directly?

  • Charlie

No, I was simply running a script from an embedded jruby instance. Would
be interested in the full details here even though the problem is in the
com.kenai.constantine code? If so, I can post it later, when I have the
in front of me, again.


On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 1:29 PM, Charles Oliver N.
[email protected]wrote:

I had an issue a while back in which my jruby code barfed when

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-------- __@
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robert tomb
[email protected]
twitter: @bikeonastick

As headius said, constantine is now located at
GitHub - jnr/jnr-constants: Java Native Runtime constants.

I think I implemented a workaround for the problem - when loaded from
a classloader that doesn’t construct a Package instance, it falls back
to parsing the classname, and extracting the package portion of it.

The latest jnr-constants source /should/ be backward compatible with
older JRuby releases, but I have not tested it.

Yeah, we’d be interested. There’s no mailing list for the JNR projects
as yet, so this is as good a place as any.

  • Charlie