Compiling JRuby classes into Java .Class files

Hi Developers,

I just want to share with you some thoughts about my experience about
compiling JRuby classes into .class files. But first, I just want to
make my objective clear: I want to create JRuby software beans that
will be used within a Java-based application framework.

So, the software beans I develop in JRuby extends an abstract Java
class (this is required in order to be plugged into the Java framework
I use.) When I used the jrubyc command, I realized the following:

1 - The outcome is a java source code that is compiled into native
.class afterwards.

2 - Scripting engine is used, so the entire JRuby source code is
text-embeded into the .java source file

3 - The really weird thing that makes the jrubyc utility not useful to
create JRuby beans is that the generated .Java file contains a class
that extends JRuby Object abstract class, not extending the Java
abstract class I declared in JRuby source file. This way, this is not
a beans, I cannot plug-in it into a general Java-based framework :frowning:

Any thoughts?

Best regards,
Ahmed Nabhan

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