2009/10/14 John M. [email protected]:
I apologize to all for being unclear. It’s just the newbie coming out.
Let’s try again.
I have a ‘projects’ layout within the ‘Views’ folder, with a heading,
nav bar, and content area.
Is that literally a layout, ie views/layouts/projects.html.erb?
When you select “show” on the index.html.erb of the ‘projects’ View
folder, the project information displays in the content area. I wish to
not change this.
So that is views/projects/show.html.erb using
layouts/projects.html.erb as the layout?
Within another template, I have a link that produces a dialog box
(Prototype Window) that displays the project information. Â When the
dialog box appears, the project information displays as the first
layout, with header, nav bar and content area.
Lost me I am afraid, what is a template? When you say you have a link
that produces a dialog box is that a javascript box called up without
going back to the server or what?
I created a layout for displaying just the content area and set it in
the controller.
Is this the projects controller or another one? We have already
decided that projects/show is working ok.
link, my 'header/nav bar/content area layout disappears. Â All that
displays is the project information without any styling.
It appears that you are saying that clicking on the same link (which
presumably is just a get on the controller, nothing fancy, shows a
different result in the browser? Odd to say the least. You have not
shown us the code for projects_controller#show. Is there some logic
in there that could make it do something different the second time?
Have a look at the generated html (View, Page source or similar in
browser) and see what the difference is. Have a look in
development.log and see what is different there. That may give you a
I hope this clears up things.
Not entirely.