Conference Update

Just a few weeks until our first GNU Radio Conference! I have a few
things to discuss.

  1. Try to get your travel plans set now. I just heard from the admin
    I’m working with at the university that there is a large medical
    conference happening the same week as ours, so hotels are getting
    booked. This is the main reason I haven’t gotten a group code for us
    for this event. We’re still working to get some rooms reserved for a
    few of the places in Philly, but I just wanted to warn everyone so
    that you can be proactive and find a place yourselves. If you look at, you’ll find the
    conference location and a couple of hotel recommendations.

  2. There are still a few seats left for anyone who wants to join us!

  3. Speakers: The schedule is pretty much all set:
    I have received a couple of abstracts, so please send me a short
    abstract of your talk so I can post it online.

  4. Audio. I hope to have audio recording facilities for the speakers.
    I would like to be able to put an audio recording along with the
    presentations for everyone who’s willing. I’m working now on getting
    this capability set up. You don’t have to be recorded if you don’t
    want to, but I wanted to give everyone a head’s up that I would like
    to do this so you can prepare as you see fit.

That’s all for now.



i’m about to buy the 52mhz clock and was wondering whether i need to
patch my gnuradio which is the git version (gnuradio + uhd).

according to what i’ve read, i have to create a file with the following:
diff --git a/usrp/host/lib/ b/usrp/host/lib/
index 5b2f7ff…8f50ff2 100644
— a/usrp/host/lib/
+++ b/usrp/host/lib/
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ usrp_basic::usrp_basic (int which_board,
: d_udh (0), d_ctx (0),
d_usb_data_rate (16000000), // SWAG, see below
d_bytes_per_poll ((int) (POLLING_INTERVAL * d_usb_data_rate)),

  • d_verbose (false), d_fpga_master_clock_freq(64000000), d_db(2)
  • d_verbose (false), d_fpga_master_clock_freq(52000000), d_db(2)
* SWAG: Scientific Wild Ass Guess.

let’s say i call it patch.patch. then i shall do:
patch -p0 patch.patch

and that’s it?
thanks in advance,