Confirm option on submit_tag -- not working

I’m getting an incorrect result with the confirm option of submit
buttons. This source…

  <%= button_to "Submit entire questionnaire", {},
    :confirm => "Are you sure? You will not be able to make any

more changes.",
:id => ‘button-submit-entire’

generates this html, whcih works fine…

But this source…

<%= submit_tag "Submit entire questionnaire",
  :name => :submit_submit,
  :id => :submit_submit,
  :class => :submit_nav,
  :confirm => "Are you sure? You will not be able to make any more


generates this html, which looks wrong and does not do the

Rails bug? My error?

Thanks. --David.

On Jun 27, 2008, at 11:02 AM, djlewis wrote:

generates this html, which looks wrong and does not do the

Rails bug? My error?

What version of Rails? Looks like 2.1 has this feature. 1.2.5 does
not. (that’s what I have local docs for, hence those versions).


Ahh… using 2.0.2. I had problems deploying in 2.1. OK, I’ll build
it by hand – not hard. Guess I’d better not use the 2.1 docs.

Thanks. --David.