I am unsure how to use a confirmation only field in my forms. The
perfect example is when registering a user, you want them to type their
password twice but you only want to have one record for it.
The form fields;
form posted;
user = User.new @params[:user]
Error is thrown because there is no method for password_confirmation.
I am unsure how to use a confirmation only field in my forms. The
perfect example is when registering a user, you want them to type their
password twice but you only want to have one record for it.
The form fields;
form posted;
user = User.new @params[:user]
Error is thrown because there is no method for password_confirmation.
It works on my User model above just as expected. On another model, it
doesn’t work as expected…
The form fields;
In the model;
attr_accessor :bank_account_confirmation
attr_accessor :routing_number_confirmation
validates_confirmation_of :bank_account
validates_confirmation_of :routing_number
Testing with values that should pass validation, it fails. Here is the
failure debugged;
— &id001 !ruby/object:Bank
routing_number: “1”
account_id: 3
bank_account: “2”
bank_account_confirmation: “2”
errors: !ruby/object:ActiveRecord::Errors
base: *id001
- doesn’t match confirmation
- doesn’t match confirmation
new_record: true
routing_number_confirmation: “1”
Another oddity is that in the Bank model the errors will not show up by
printing error_messages_for :bank
If I fail the User model, error_messages_for :user will print the
expected messages.
I am unsure how to use a confirmation only field in my forms. The
perfect example is when registering a user, you want them to type their
password twice but you only want to have one record for it.
The form fields;
form posted;
user = User.new @params[:user]
Error is thrown because there is no method for password_confirmation.
If you add a validates_confirmation_of to your model, an acessor for the
confirmation is created for you. No attr_accessor needed.