On Mon, Dec 03, 2012 at 04:32:04PM -0500, Gallitin wrote:
Hi there,
Sorry for the grammar error.
No worries. Once it is clear what works and what fails, we can see what
to do next.
If I do curl -i http://domain.com/assets/js/msgFBmodal.js
it returns the code from the msgFBmodal.js page. Yet if I hit the page via
browser I still receive the gateway error.
So, include all details each time, even if it looks repetitive.
Yes or no: “domain.com” is your nginx-hosted web site, and resolves to
your nginx server?
From a shell on the nginx server, what does
curl -i http://domain.com/assets/js/msgFBmodal.js
return? HTTP 200 and the content of the msgFBmodal.js file, or something
From a shell on your PC, the same machine your browser runs from, what
curl -i http://domain.com/assets/js/msgFBmodal.js
return? HTTP 200 and the content of the msgFBmodal.js file, or something
From your browser, what do you see when you try to access
? The content of the msgFBmodal.js file, or something else?
The nginx.conf file is:
# '$status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" '
# '"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for"';
“nginx.conf” 40L, 847C
Unfortunately, that doesn’t show the configuration. It only shows the
half of the main file; I suspect it will “include” some other files.
matters is the configuration of the server{} block that handles
Francis D. [email protected]