Contact form debugging as Radiant new user learning opportunity

I am a new user to Radiant (coming from Drupal), and so far I’ve found
Radiant to be a great application. I have also received excellent help
from the community (here and on github), and this is also great.
(Actually, a strong and helpful community is the most important thing
of all.) I have almost finished rebuilding my website in Radiant, but
I just need to get the contact form working properly. I have installed
and setup the mailer extension and the contact form. The form seems to
work, but does not redirect me to the thanks page. Also I do not
receive the email (I’m working from localhost at the moment, on
Ubuntu, so the fact that I do not get the email is not overly
surprising. It could be caused by a number of things, though the mailq
is empty). The log, however, says “Sent mail to [email protected],” so
at least something is working. I am in the process now of debugging
this, and I’ve started to look at various posts that discuss
validation, changing environments.rb, and so on. Before I wade too
deeply into this process, I thought I’d ask for a bit of help. I don’t
want to do anything to break the whole system. So:

  1. I’ve seen in various posts that I should add some email info to
    environments.rb. There is currently no reference to such things in
    that file. In the following two tutorials (let’s hope the url’s don’t
    get scrubbed here), different methods of adding email details are

Which of these should I use, or should I do something else? For now, I
have simply changed one line in environment.rb, as suggested by the
mailer documentation. I changed this:

config.frameworks -= [ :action_mailer ]

To this:

config.frameworks -= [ ]

So, I haven’t added mailing details (smtp, user, and so on) anywhere.
Perhaps that’s the place to start. Suggestions most welcome.


On Wed, Dec 8, 2010 at 9:55 AM, rosslaird [email protected] wrote:

surprising. It could be caused by a number of things, though the mailq
get scrubbed here), different methods of adding email details are

To this:

config.frameworks -= [ ]

So, I haven’t added mailing details (smtp, user, and so on) anywhere.
Perhaps that’s the place to start. Suggestions most welcome.

does Mailer Extension · radiant/radiant Wiki · GitHub help at

Yes, that’s the mailer extension that I am using. I installed it by
(precisely) following the instructions on github and in the manual.

I migrated my localhost Radiant setup to Dreamhost (holy smokes was
that very easy, compared to Drupal!), and the contact form is now
working perfectly. It must have been a behind-the-scenes email
delivery issue. Thanks for the help, though.