Am trying to insert a link to delete via ajax in my RJS template.
Can one use content_tag and link_to_remote like this in a RJS template?
a = content_tag(‘a’, link_to_remote(“Delete”, :update => “categories”,
:url => {:action => “delete”, :name =>}))
if @category && @category.errors.empty?
a = content_tag(‘a’, link_to_remote(“Delete”, :update => “categories”,
:url => {:action => “delete”, :name =>}))
li = content_tag( ‘li’,, “id” => )
page.insert_html :bottom, ‘categories’, li
page.visual_effect :highlight, ‘categories’, :duration => 3
Basically I am trying to do the above and have this as the output
some category [Delete]
Can one use content_tag and link_to_remote like this in a RJS
How do i add the “a” tag created above in the DOM?
I think I have to use a nested content_tag like
li = content_tag( ‘li’, content_tag(“a”, a),
“id” => )
But the above line seems to be incorrect … seems like i cannot do
something like the third parameter above
Putting it out here so that someone can point out if this is the optimal
way to achieve the result above :
if @category && @category.errors.empty?
a = content_tag(‘span’,link_to_remote(“Delete”, :update =>
:url => {:action => “delete”, :name =>}))
temp = + " [" + a + "] "
li = content_tag( ‘li’, temp, “id” => )
page.insert_html :bottom, ‘categories’, li
page.visual_effect :highlight, ‘categories’, :duration => 3
it works … instead of:
some category [Delete]
I get:
some category [Delete]
Would still be interested in seeing a solution that produces the result
without the span.