For the sake of example let’s say you have an application where users
their ducks for sale. The services offers two Plans: Bronze, which
you to list 3 ducks at a time; and Platinum, which allows you to list an
unlimited number of ducks.
To handle this logic in the model we add a custom validation to check if
user.current_ducks_listed > user.plan.max_number_of_ducks, and throw an
error accordingly.
Ideally, we don’t want the problem to get this far. It’s best to prevent
the user from adding a duck if he has reached his limit. This introduces
chunk of logic whose place isn’t quite clear. Let’s put it in the
def new
@user = current_user
max_ducks = @user.plan.max_number_of_ducks
duck_count = @user.ducks.count
flash[notice: “You have reached your limit. Upgrade your plan.”] if
duck_count > max_ducks
@duck =
We repeat this logic in the create action. Then, to stay DRY, move
logic to a before_filter that runs on *new *and create. We are still
duplicating the model logic in the controller, though. And what if plans
get more complex? This will add bloat to the controller method, and will
require updates to the model, the controller, and possibly the view.
there’s the question of handling the visual side of this: do we hide the
form from the user? If so how?
Is this about how everyone handles this type of scenario? Or is there a
better way? Bearing in mind I’m two weeks into my Rails and Ruby
perhaps there’s a much better way? How would you handle visual feedback
the user?
On 26 January 2012 17:08, Mohamad El-Husseini [email protected]
user from adding a duck if he has reached his limit.
Firstly, don’t have a current_ducks_listed attribute in the database,
just use @user.ducks.count. Then have a validation in the Duck model
that prevents the duck from being saved if its owner already has his
max allowance.
On Thu, Jan 26, 2012 at 12:08, Mohamad El-Husseini
[email protected] wrote:
For the sake of example let’s say you have an application
where users list their ducks for sale.
Viaduct? Vi-a no chicken?
It’s best to prevent the user from
adding a duck if he has reached his limit. This introduces a chunk
of logic whose place isn’t quite clear. Let’s put it in the controller:
def new
I think you’re on the right track having a warning show up in
ducks_controller#new. If, as Colin suggested, you have the model
check for excessive ducks as well, #create shouldn’t need any
alterations from the standard scaffold-generated style. (At least,
not for this reason.) It will make the save fail, detected by
#create, which will just render #new again, with the errors carried by
Bearing in mind I’m two weeks into my Rails and Ruby studies,
You’re showing a very good grasp of the concepts for only two weeks
in! Well done!
Dave A.: Available Cleared Ruby on Rails Freelancer
(NoVa/DC/Remote) – see, and blogs at,,
Thanks everyone. I appreciate the input. It’s always tricky to decide
logic belongs in the model. I wish there was a clean and obvious
definition. I guess it comes with experience.
On 26 January 2012 17:16, Colin L. [email protected] wrote:
Then have a validation in the Duck model
that prevents the duck from being saved if its owner already has his
max allowance.
It would probably just annoy people if they were not told until they’d
entered all their “new duck” requirements that they’d reached their
limit. So I’d also keep a permissions-type check in the controller
too. As Colin says the code to check for this is in the model, so can
be re-used by the permissions check and the validation.
class DucksController < AR:Base
before_filter :check_duck_limit, :only => [:new, :create]
def new
@duck =
def check_duck_limit
flash[notice: "You have reached your limit. Upgrade your plan."]
if current_user.reached_duck_limit?
class User < AR:Base
validate :has_duck_availability
def reached_duck_limit?
self.ducks.count >= self.max_number_of_ducks
# in case a user can not yet have a plan, it's handy to make sure
it exists, and return a safe value
def max_number_of_ducks
plan ? plan.max_number_of_ducks || 0 : 0
def has_duck_availability
errors.add(:duck_count, "has been reached") if reached_duck_limit?
PS you don’t need to assign “current_user” to an instance variable -
just use current_user
PPS Your current code alerts when the limit is exceeded, rather than
On 27 January 2012 18:21, Mohamad El-Husseini [email protected]
It’s always tricky to decide when logic belongs in the model.
Not really that tricky… business logic always belongs in the model
On 27 January 2012 19:40, Michael P. [email protected] wrote:
On 27 January 2012 18:21, Mohamad El-Husseini [email protected] wrote:
It’s always tricky to decide when logic belongs in the model.
Not really that tricky… business logic always belongs in the model
The problem sometimes comes in deciding what is business logic and what
is not.