Couldn't find Admin with ID=list

when i show list og products i got 'Couldn’t find Admin with ID=list ’ plz give the solution for this error

You are using REST routes.
Look at config/routes.rb and you will see something like that:


Look at this:

If you want action list you must put:

controller_name.resources, :member => {:list => :get}

On 22 ago, 08:58, “shruti m.upadhyay” [email protected]

david wrote:

You are using REST routes.
Look at config/routes.rb and you will see something like that:


Look at this:

If you want action list you must put:

controller_name.resources, :member => {:list => :get}

On 22 ago, 08:58, “shruti m.upadhyay” [email protected]

same problem here can u suggest, how did u solved ?

same problem here can u suggest, how did u solve ?