I have two actions, create and index. The index view has a list of
find(:all) objects and also a form for creating new objects. If the
form is valid upon creation, everything works (it is redirected to the
index page with the new object listed). If validation fails, I get the
error. My questions is, is it possible to do something like this?
Sometimes this happens when you have code like this:
def create
@foo = Foo.new(params[:foo])
if @foo.valid?
flash[:success] = ‘Foo created.’
redirect_to :action => ‘show’, :id => @foo
render :action => ‘new’
If it works on a successful create but not on a render to ‘new’ then
you are likely loading objects in the ‘new’ action that is not loaded
in ‘create’.
def new
@foo = Foo.new
@bars = Bar.find(:all)
When you render the ‘new’ template from the create action you may need
to reload the @bars (in this example).
Hope this helps.
Zack C.
That didn’t even cross my mind! Makes perfect sense. Thanks!