Hi all,
Hope you will be fine. I want to know that how can I create a blog in
rails. Here is an example blog http://king370.liveblog.com. I want to
the models and their appropriate associations. Please anybody can help
Take a look at the blog first to give the relevant answers.
On Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 5:39 AM, Kashif Umair L.
[email protected] wrote:
I want to know that how can I create a blog in rails.
Try Googling for Rails tutorials. A blog is one of the standard
beginner examples. The canonical one, because it helps you learn
Rails (and basic Ruby) so well, actually uses a microblog:
Also see Getting Started with Rails — Ruby on Rails Guides .
Dave A., Available Secret-Cleared Ruby/Rails Freelancer
see www.DaveAronson.com, www.Codosaur.us, and www.Dare2XL.com for more