I have a problem,
please check the code
Fields = Array.new
Fields [0] = “sno”
Fields [1] = “username”
Fields [2] = “designation”
Fields [3] = “salary”
Fields [4] = “dob”
Fields [5] = “email”
Fields [6] = “doj”
These are the fields of the object ‘Employee’
The Employees array contains of the set of employee objects…
I need to have the array of hashes as
[{employee_record1},{employee_record2}… n records]
For this i tried as the…
result = []
for employee in Employees
res = {}
for field in fields
res << { field => employee.send(field)}
result << res
But it is not working…
Finally i have to replace the ‘result’ with the PDF::SimpleTable.data
through the statement
=> table.data.replace result
which accepts only the hashes… whose columns are the keys and the
data as values
Please Help me Thank You