Curl to Rest API Implementation

Hello All,

I am using rest api for one of my projects, I am using httparty gem.

$ curl --data-binary @mytickets.pdf "{SALEID}/uploadticket?api={APIKEY}"

I don’t know how to call above link in the httparty gem.

Could you please explain how to implement.

BalaRaju V. wrote in post #1177929:

Hello All,

I am using rest api for one of my projects, I am using httparty gem.

$ curl --data-binary @mytickets.pdf "{SALEID}/uploadticket?api={APIKEY}"

I don’t know how to call above link in the httparty gem.

Could you please explain how to implement.

If you need upload some files,maybe you should use HTTMultiParty instead
of HTTParty(GitHub - jwagener-soundcloud/httmultiparty: *UNMAINTAINED* HTTMultiParty is a thin wrapper around HTTParty to provide multipart uploads.).