Hi, i ve tried, but without success…
here is what i did, please tell me if something is wrong :
In my class:
acts_as_ferret({ :fields => {
:nom => {},
:description => {:boost => 0},
:logiciel_nom => {},
:logiciel_id => {},
:difficulte_id => {},
:systeme_nom => {},
:fai_nom => {},
:fai_id =>{},
:site_nom => {},
:siteutilise_id => {},
:nom_for_sort => {:index => :untokenized},
:note => {:index => :untokenized},
:visions_count => {:index => :untokenized},
:nb_vu => {:index => :untokenized},
:date_sort => {:index => :untokenized}
}}, :analyzer => FrenchStemmingAnalyzer.new)
My FrenchStemmingAnalyzer.rb (in /lib)…
class FrenchStemmingAnalyzer < Ferret::Analysis::Analyzer
include Ferret::Analysis
def initialize(stop_words = FULL_FRENCH_STOP_WORDS)
@stop_words = stop_words
def token_stream(field, str)
@stop_words), ‘fr’)
there is no error, i erased the /index/ form previous ferret analysis…
i restarted, did a search… but stil same results that before, even
using only stop words…
I do a fuzzy search with ferret (via find_by_content), could it be the
cause of the problem ?
Or maybe there is an error on the code ?
Thanks you for helping,