I read through the entire agile web book and started over from scratch
now to see if I can start my own project…
I need to understand how admin/new.rhtml <%= render :partial => ‘form’
is creating the forms and telling it to input data into the tables
I have it talking to a different table this time and in list.rhtml <%=
column.human_name %> I can get it to show all of my tables more than the
book makes me create… But in new.rhtml I dont see any forms besides
that one tag…
any oneth tutorials for custom design or some key word I should look for
?? I am not making a store I need basicly a replacement for filemaker
designed custom databases as my goal
Oh ! http://www.fearoffish.co.uk/blog/article/beginner_tutorial_-_part_2
a great deal of help
It happens when you make the scaffold model and controller … Hmmmm,
this not to good… How do i add to it AFTER the scaffold model and
controller are created ??
trip dragon wrote:
Oh ! http://www.fearoffish.co.uk/blog/article/beginner_tutorial_-_part_2
a great deal of help
It happens when you make the scaffold model and controller … Hmmmm,
this not to good… How do i add to it AFTER the scaffold model and
controller are created ??
Ah! _form.rhtml !! Frink’n file !
Ok just for others If they ever see this…
create a new row in database
edit _form.rhtml
<%= text_field 'funky_chicken', 'baka' %>
and change things like funky_chicken_NAME HERE
and <%= text_field ‘funky_chicken’, ‘NAME HERE’ %>