DBSRX: Tune the LO from python

Is it possible to set the DBSRX’s LO frequency and the FPGA DDC
independently? Currently you can set the single quantity (LO - DCC)
using the USRP’s “tune” member function.

When f = 1.57542GHz, I do not like GNURadio’s choice of
LO = 1.5755 GHz
DDC = 80KHz

The board seems to put out a signal at 1.5760 GHz when the LO is tuned
to 1.5755 GHz which is not present when the LO is tuned to slightly
higher freqs. I would like to tune the LO to the higher freq and use a
larger DDC.



On Fri, Mar 16, 2007 at 01:17:27AM -0700, Chris S. wrote:

Is it possible to set the DBSRX’s LO frequency and the FPGA DDC

Yes it is.

larger DDC.


You have all the source available to you.

The source to “tune” is in gr-usrp/src/usrp.py
gr-usrp/src/db_dbs_rx.py may also be relevant.
