I’m just learning the basics of deployment with deprec/capistrano…
I would like to ask about the opinion regarding whether it is worth
waiting (a week or so) for versions 2.0 of both to be released… or do
I just learn the stuff as it’s done currently (and then upgrade)… do
you think new tools will work without a glitch?
Learn Capistrano 2. There have been major changes. It’s very solid.
I’ve been very busy with paid work lately which unfortunately pushes
deprec work aside however I’m planning to spend tomorrow and this
weekend on deprec2. It’s likely to be a couple of weeks before all
bugs are ironed out of it though.
Great! thank you for the answer… I’ll tackle cap2 then…
we can wait a few weeks… but I do thank you for the great work you’re
doing… hopefully I too will start giving to the community one of these
bye now!
Mike B. wrote:
Learn Capistrano 2. There have been major changes. It’s very solid.
I’ve been very busy with paid work lately which unfortunately pushes
deprec work aside however I’m planning to spend tomorrow and this
weekend on deprec2. It’s likely to be a couple of weeks before all
bugs are ironed out of it though.
LearnCapistrano2. There have been major changes. It’s very solid.
I’ve been very busy with paid work lately which unfortunately pushesdeprecwork aside however I’m planning to spend tomorrow and this
weekend on deprec2. It’s likely to be a couple of weeks before all
bugs are ironed out of it though.
Not a nag, but just wondering how close deprec2 is as I am going to do
a re-build of some sites and automate them with cap and don’t want to
do this now and then re-work them to deprec2 & cap2 in a couple of
weeks just because I didn’t ask!
I’m really keen to get deprec2 released but work has been on hold for
a while for the simple reasons that:
a) client work has soaked up all my development time
b) clients haven’t been asking for deprec2
I’m currently doing Rails deployment for SUN Solaris and this may give
me a chance to work on deprec2.
In the meantime, deprec-1.9 is still working for me. cap1 and cap2 can
coexist on your workstation and I wrote some notes on using deprec
when cap2 is installed at: http://www.deprec.org/