Designing Relation Ship Between Different Models


I have One Problem

For Example if You Take

Category has_many :products

Here For Category i have soap as example

for products i am taking Santoor , Lux and Rin soaps as products.

Here Again

Both Lux and santoor comes under Bathing soaps.
Rin Soaps Comes under Washing Soaps
So these are sub categories…

Tom-arrow some new sub category may come like baby soaps…

I am confusing How many models i need ? how to define relation between

But Finally

We need To Access Data of

1]Total Soaps
2]Bathing Soaps
3]Washing Soaps

Whatever it may be uniquely…
How to define relation any one help me please…

Thank in Advance…

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On Mar 1, 2011, at 10:16 PM, Sai B. removed_email_address@domain.invalid wrote:

for products i am taking Santoor , Lux and Rin soaps as products.

-name : string
-has many :categories through :categorical

-name: string
-belongs to : member

This is pseudo code - look in this direction