I am looking for someone who can build a Devise starter application with
a number of things I need. I have read the forum rules but I’m not sure
whether this post is allowed. If this is not the case, let me know.
Here is a list of features that the starter application must contain:
- Register
- Registering is only possible if you recieved a invite code when
another user invites you - The invite codes (Generated by the system) are only valid for 72
hours - The user invites another user just types in a email address to
invite, not a code.
- Registering is only possible if you recieved a invite code when
- Users
- The user must have a experience points row in its database.
- The user starts in level 1 and gets higher (till level 10) with
earning experience points.
- A template system in the application
- There must be 3 user roles
- Administrators
- Moderators
- Users
I have no idea how mutch time this takes to develop. I hope we can
arrange a price, payed trought Paypal for security.
Thank you for your time.