Devise rendering default views from gem instead of newly generated ones

I generated views/controllers for two user models upon installing
devise. For whatever reason, the views that are included inside of the
gem itself are being rendered instead of the ones that I added.


Current route configuration

devise_for :biz_users, path_names: { sign_in: ‘login’, sign_out:
‘logout’, sign_up: ‘register’ }
devise_for :users, path_names: { sign_in: ‘login’, sign_out: ‘logout’,
sign_up: ‘register’ }
devise_for :admins, path_names: { sign_in: ‘login’, sign_out:
‘logout’, sign_up: ‘register’ }

I solved this problem before in a different way, but it was hard to
manage due to the separation of concerns that needed to be in place for
the users. Can help you fix this issue please?

Instead overriding the sanitizers - I used params. Which is an
alternative method

def sign_up_params
params.require(:user).permit(:email, :username, :password,

def account_update_params
params.require(:user).permit(:email, :username, :password,

I had to turn on this function through the config file devise.rb.