Devoloper for interactive offline "CMS"


i am searching a devoloper who can prog something like this.

in general its an offline cms with XML export.

unlike this project must not be all editable, things like the content
template struktur could also edited by us in xml files.

base functions:
create navigation structure in tree view
fill content elements from one simple text to complex strukteres like
headline, text, 5 images with subline and one video…

these structure could be definied in an xmls file, what media type, size
for images or text, videosize.

connect these content to the tree
(link from inside text to a tree position…, edit the page after it is
linked to the tree.)

for each project we need multiple root points with indivual content
structure files.

2-3 user rools, admin, developer, text edit user.

export to xml, export medi in one folder,

possibility to add default files to the project folder like cfg file for
the app engine.

if you are interested, there’s more info.
