Did I totally screw up my svn repository? (first deployment)

So I really didn’t know what I was doing when I manually changed a file
in my current application directory. Now I can’t get my basic status
command to work:

Peter-Marks-MBP:~/Rails/app petermarks$ svn checkout
http://svn.domain.com/svn/app subv
A blah blah blah
Checked out revision 1.
Peter-Marks-MBP:~/Rails/app petermarks$ svn status
svn: warning: ‘.’ is not a working copy

Have I messed up my subversion repo beyond repair?

Hi Peter,

I think you are just in the wrong directory.

On Oct 19, 8:25 am, Peter M. [email protected]

Peter-Marks-MBP:~/Rails/app petermarks$ svn checkout http://svn.domain.com/svn/app subv
A blah blah blah
Checked out revision 1.

this checked out your code into directory “subv”, so you need to cd to
that dir at this point before running svn status.

Alternatively, specify the dir you want to get the status of:

svn status subv


Jon Evans wrote:

I think you are just in the wrong directory.

Good call Jon. That’s exactly what I was doing wrong. Thanks a lot :slight_smile:

I have a new problem however. I have yet to deploy my application and
when I try to execute ‘cap deploy:cold’, the process stalls. Here is
what comes up:

Peter-Marks-MBP:~/Rails/app/subv petermarks$ cap deploy:cold *
executing `deploy:cold’

It freezes when it gets to the last line. The authentication info I’m
giving it is correct and works for ‘cap deploy:setup’. Any idea what
might be causing this?

Hi Peter,

On Oct 19, 10:14 pm, Peter M. [email protected]

/home/peter/rails_apps/orbus/releases/20071019205601 && (echo 1 >

It freezes when it gets to the last line. The authentication info I’m
giving it is correct and works for ‘cap deploy:setup’. Any idea what
might be causing this?

I would try connecting to zeus.ocssolutions.com as the user defined in
your deploy.rb file (petermarks if you haven’t overridden it with
set :user, ‘someuser’), then try executing this command:

svn ls http://svn.orbussystems.com/svn/orbus

It will probably prompt you for svn authentication info. Give it the
correct details, and it should cache them for next time. Verify that
by executing the same command again, it should just list the
repository without asking for user info.

Once you’ve done all that, your cap deploy command should work.


Hi Jon:

Thanks again for your advice. When I execute the command you suggested
it lists the repository as expected:

Peter-Marks-MBP:~/Rails/Orbus petermarks$ svn ls

However, I’m still getting the same error on ‘cap deploy:cold’

Thanks again for your suggestion though.


Looks like you’re running that command from your MacBook. I meant for
you to ssh to the machine you’re trying to deploy to, and run ‘svn ls’
from there.


Running your suggested command on my server cleared that barrier. Thanks
Jon :slight_smile:

In-keeping with the pattern of my deployment process however, I’m
confronted with yet another barrier. After successfully migrating the db
with cap deploy:cold I get the following error:

  • executing `deploy:start’
  • executing “cd /home/peter/rails_apps/orbus/current; mongrel_rails
    start -e production -p 60559 -d”
    servers: [“zeus.ocssolutions.com”]
    [zeus.ocssolutions.com] executing command
    *** [err :: zeus.ocssolutions.com] ** Ruby version is not up-to-date;
    loading cgi_multipart_eof_fix
    command finished

Looks like I need to update ruby on my server. I’m not sure how to do
this as it’s shared hosting, so I’ll have to contact my host tomorrow.

Thanks again for your help Jon. I really appreciate it.

On Oct 22, 2:15 am, Peter M. [email protected]

*** [err :: zeus.ocssolutions.com] ** Ruby version is not up-to-date;
loading cgi_multipart_eof_fix
command finished

Looks like I need to update ruby on my server. I’m not sure how to do
this as it’s shared hosting, so I’ll have to contact my host tomorrow.

It’s not necessary to update Ruby - Mongrel spits out this warning if
you have a Ruby version < 1.8.6, IIRC,
and I think the cgi_multipart_eof_fix is loade to get around that
fact. Have you checked whether you can access
your mongrel instances?


Hi Peter,

On Oct 21, 12:48 am, Peter M. [email protected]

Thanks again for your advice. When I execute the command you suggested
it lists the repository as expected:

Peter-Marks-MBP:~/Rails/Orbus petermarks$ svn lshttp://svn.orbussystems.com/svn/orbus


Looks like you’re running that command from your MacBook. I meant for
you to ssh to the machine you’re trying to deploy to, and run ‘svn ls’
from there.


Have you checked whether you can access your mongrel instances?


Hi Chris:

I can manually create mongrel instances in a control panel. Is this the
same as accessing them? Sorry for my unfamiliarity, I cant find much on
interacting directly with mongrel. I’ve been getting by 100% through my
host’s wiki. Is there anything you can point me towards?



Turns out the ‘error’ I was freaking out about really wasn’t much of an
error at all. The command finished, mongrel has started and my site is
online and functional!

Thanks for the help Chris and Jon :slight_smile: