I’ve mapped a Z: drive on my PC from my mac, but whenever I try the
following script from the command line, it works fine, but when I try to
execute it within Eclipse with the Ruby Development Tools plugin
installed, it just terminates immediately with no output.
require ‘exifr’
Dir.glob(“Z:/2007/07/02/*.JPG”).each do |filename|
jpg = EXIFR::JPEG.new(filename)
print “#{filename}: \n”
jpg.exif.to_hash.each do |key,val|
print “\t#{key}=#{val}\n”
Would anyone happen to know why that is? I can work around the issue by
running from the command line, but I’m embarrassed to admit how long I
spent trying to figure out what was wrong with my code, when, in fact it
works fine from the command line.
Would anyone happen to know why that is? I can work around the issue by
running from the command line, but I’m embarrassed to admit how long I
spent trying to figure out what was wrong with my code, when, in fact it
works fine from the command line.
Just for kicks, what happens if you replace the forward slashes with
backslashes? And is it possible there’s some sort of interaction
between exifr and Eclipse happening?
I’ve got to get to work, so I’ll try some of these later… I’ve not
had trouble in the past with a lot of ruby code executing from within
Eclipse. and have had EXIF code work as long as I was hitting the local
file system.
I noticed a similar problem last night when trying to use plist to read
the AlbumData.xml from my mac (returned nil from within ecipse, but
worked fine from the command line).
It’s looking like the common thread is in trying to read non-local files
from within eclipse (though I can’t see why that should be a problem)
At Mon, 9 Jul 2007 02:13:18 +0900,
Mike C. wrote in [ruby-talk:258362]:
I’ve mapped a Z: drive on my PC from my mac, but whenever I try the
following script from the command line, it works fine, but when I try to
execute it within Eclipse with the Ruby Development Tools plugin
installed, it just terminates immediately with no output.
If it works fine when run from the command line, it should not
be concerned with Dir.glob.
Does more simple code work?
puts Dir.glob(“Z:/2007/07/02/*.JPG”)
require ‘exifr’
require ‘exifr’
p EXIFR::JPEG.new()
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