I need to create an app where one user cannot login using multiple
browsers. As soon as he does, the previous one logs out.
I have a user table with a field named "current_sign_in_token’ to store
session key generated by one login.
But I am not able to retrieve the session key. Actually I don’t know
exactly how to do it. Have been following several posts but in vain.
Following is my initializers/session_store.rb file
Contactapp::Application.config.session_store :cookie_store,{ :key =>
:secret =>
:expire_after => 5.minutes}
I am trying to retrieve request.session_options[:id] in my controller
it doesn’t returns any value. But it does returns values when I use it
in a
The value Rails.application.config.session_options[:key] doesn’t seems
satisfy what I need to do as it just returns the values
What shall I do next. Am stuck.