Display children galleries in "desc" order

Hi everybody,

I want to have listed childs of some gallery in “desc” order. Because
last added gallery is the last one on the list. I tried:

<r:gallery:children:each order=“desc”>

but it didn’t work. Maybe there is some reorder function in gallery

On 9/26/07, Artur B. [email protected] wrote:

Hi everybody,

I want to have listed childs of some gallery in “desc” order. Because
last added gallery is the last one on the list. I tried:

<r:gallery:children:each order=“desc”>

I’ve just added the “by” and “order” attributes…try the latest
version…then you can try something like this:

<r:gallery:children:each order=“desc” by=“created_at”>

…let me know if it’s what you need :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve ugraded to new version this extension and everything is fine ;).
Thanks a lot.

Maybe I don’t understand the problem.
I created a page with this code:

<r:gallery id=“14”>
<r:gallery:name />

- <r:gallery:link />

<r:gallery:name />

When I click on a link I see the name of the gallery I choosed.
Is it what you need?

Instead of starting new topic I want to ask question. This is peace of

<r:gallery id=“14”>
<r:gallery:name />

The problem is that I cannot retrieve link to children galleries
("<r:gallery:link>"–>this line). This link is going to the gallery
found through <r:gallery id=“14”>.

Sorry, It was my crap mistake :(.
Everything is ok now. Thanks one more time for patient ;).

On 9/30/07, Artur B. [email protected] wrote:

Sorry, It was my crap mistake :(.
Everything is ok now. Thanks one more time for patient ;).

You are welcome…and ask again if you have problems :slight_smile: