On 2010-06-14 10:35:10 -0700, Michał Zając said:
stateless classes manual instantiation - usually something else has
done it for me Using Singleton pattern is more similar to Service
Locator but it may be good alternative.
Ruby’s design patterns (in the Gang of Four sense) are extremely
lightweight compared to their Java equivalents. Rick Olsen’s Design
Patterns in Ruby book shows good idiomatic Ruby implementations of the
GoF patterns. That said, I don’t think you want a Pattern at all. I
think you want a more object oriented architecture.
IRT Singleton: I think that Singleton is just a way to cheat and get
global state that looks like instances. I didn’t present it as a
solution because (imo) it’s really just a restatement of the problem. I
try to avoid it for the same reasons that I try to avoid the classes
you’re asking about. Let me put it this way: replace all of your
pseudo-classes (these classes that don’t instantiate and are used as
singleton method holders) with this:
YourClass = Object.new
def YourClass.some_method
… do stuff …
… more …
This is functionally equivalent. Does this look like good Ruby code? Is
this good OO design? If not, why not? The classes you’re asking about
aren’t (functionally) classes at all: they’re just objects like this
one. You should object to them for the same reasons that you (may)
object to the above.
Also, Ruby has far better mechanisms than dependency injection. So much
so, in fact, that Rails core member and creator of two different Ruby
dep. injection libraries, Jamis B., recently gave a great talk about
why you don’t need dependency injection in Ruby. Summary is here, and
is a good read if you’re coming from heavy, “enterprisey” languages
like Java:
Buckblog: LEGOs, Play-Doh, and Programming.
Coming from a Java background, the best thing you can do is let go of
the heavy pattern-driven architectures that are common in
enterprise-land (the ServiceLocator, CachedTemplateFactoryProxyFactory,
whatever) and enjoy the freedom of working with simple, lightweight
classes and objects.