Aside from the issue of providing safe alternatives, would it not be a
great service to the Ruby community, especially newcomers, to document
this lack of safety in the relevant classes?
If such documentation is thought to be worthwhile and we can agree on
suitable wording, I will happily submit a pull request.
Here’s a first draft of the wording:
Warning: this method can produce unpredictable behaviour and its use
Yes, they are unsafe. Ruby 2.0 has done some work to try to improve
safety at the cost of performance, but they are still unsafe on other
VMs, particularly those without a GIL, and are probably still buggy on
2.0 as well.
Aside from the issue of providing safe alternatives, would it not be a
great service to the Ruby community, especially newcomers, to document
this lack of safety in the relevant classes?
Considering the work that has gone into features like
Thread.handle_interrupt, ruby-core is probably unlikely to accept such a
label, although it would probably make sense.
I think the difficulty with Thread.handle_interrupt is that it, or
something similar, would need to be used correctly across Ruby’s class
libraries, e.g. in the networking classes, in order for Thread#raise,
thread#kill and timeout.rb to be safe for general use. I couldn’t see
any evidence of such activity in the last couple of years in GitHub - ruby/ruby: The Ruby Programming Language, although maybe I was unlucky in my search.
Perhaps the majority of the libraries had already been written with
timeout.rb’s limitations in mind, but it’s hard to know.
But I take the point that the blanket warning is not likely to be
Yes, Stu, I know this is an old problem, but that doesn’t necessarily
mean it has been fixed. I’m relatively new to Ruby and just trying to
work out how much to trust it.
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