in there is an action called run_reports
in the _run_reports.rhml view, i call two partials that are also in the
do those partials have access to the varibles declared in the
run_reports action?
if so, this would save me a lot of repeated code,
if so, how do i do it ? make them @class variables ?
in there is an action called run_reports
in the _run_reports.rhml view, i call two partials that are also in the
do those partials have access to the varibles declared in the
run_reports action?
See the API documentation for the render() method:
Check out the section called “Rendering partials”. You’ll see that you
can pass variables from the calling scope into the partial as local
variables in its scope, using the :partials option.
Partials are just part of a view and you have access in any view to all
instance variables (e.g., @anything) in the controller action that
the view.
----- Original Message -----
From: “nephish” [email protected]
To: “Ruby on Rails: Talk” [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2007 2:52 PM
Subject: [Rails] does a partial have access to all the variables of the
calling controller