Does Ruby/GD2 work on ruby-mswin32?

Hello, everybody.

I am using Windows 2000, and ruby 1.8.4 (2005-12-24) [i386-mswin32] on
When I used GD with Perl, it was very easy to install and there was
textbooks how to do.
Owing to GD, I could make some useful scripts and appreciate it.
However, when I tried to use GD with Ruby, I could not succeed and am
struggling for many years.
There used to be a question from: Idan Sofer
Date: Fri, 13 Dec 2002 17:50:41 +0900 as in the following.
IS there a Ruby/GD win32 build available somewhere on the net. No answer
returned to his question yet.
In my case, it was possible to install ruby GD, but it did not support
files. So I tried to find an alternative and finally fund the following
one and tried to install Ruby GD2.
Ruby/GD2 - Ruby binding
gd 2 graphics library. Copyright > (c)> 2005 Robert Leslie
Unfortunately, it did not work as I expected.
My question is e$B!He(BIs it impossible to use Ruby/GD2 on
ruby-mswin32? Or only
for Linux or cygwine$B!Ie(B.
Most of ruby users seem to use Linux or cygwin and it is a pity that
is no good explanation for the users of ruby mswin32.
I hope there will be some comments on these issues.
Thank you for reading throughout my long text.
