Don't know how to build task 'db:migrate:plugins

Hi all,

I am trying to get a goldberg site installed and am getting the above
error. I have left messages at and at but
have not received any answer.

This situation is this. goldberg 0.2.0 is packaged as a gem and now
depends upon pluginaweek’s plugin_migrations gem, which in turn depends
on loaded_plugins. I have used gem install plugins_plus
–include-dependencies to install these but when I follow the
instructions to install goldberg i usually get the above error. I say
usually because on two occasions the install succeeded.

The process I followed is this:

create database (postgresql)

$ rails --database=postgresql newproject
$ cd newproject
$ script/generate goldberg
$ modify config/database.yml
$rake goldberg:install

== InitialSetup: migrating

rake aborted!
Don’t know how to build task ‘db:migrate:plugins’

Now, I cannot see any rake task that goes by this name so I have to ask,
is there a step I am missing when I install plugins_plus? How does
plugins_plus update the rake task list. Do I need to perform or run
some sort of initialization task after installing the pluginaweek
plugins_plus gem? Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.