Dot Printer and Jasperreports dont work

Hello… Im new in this forum… and I was asking me if somebody can help
me in a problem… I implemented jasperreports in rails… its exccelent
because the reports open in a pdf and I can print it… but the problem
is that I cant print the pdf report in a dot printer (Epson LX-300) the
document is ugly and I cant read it because its distorsioned… is there
a way to fix it??.. I dont know … like open the reports in a
jasperviewer? or fix the pdf to print it in text mode?

I appreciate any help



So this query is about how to print PDFs on an Epson LX-300?

Is this a problem for all PDFs or just those created by jasperreports?

If it is a problem with all PDFs then this is not a Ruby/Rails problem
and you should either talk to Epson about drivers and the like or, as
I suspect, resign yourself to the fact the dot matrix printers are
simply not good enough for this task. I honestly didn’t think people
still made / bought dot matrix printers anymore.

If it is just a problem with PDFs from jasperreports then you need to
talk to them about it.

hello… well I was asking is there a way to see the jasperreport in
RAILS aplication in another program not pdf like jasperviewer…



No, what you asked was “the problem is that I cant print the pdf
report in a dot printer (Epson LX-300) the document is ugly and I cant
read it because its distorsioned”