On Sun, Jul 24, 2011 at 2:08 PM, Jen removed_email_address@domain.invalid wrote:
If I could get the text that is shown for each link stored in to a
send_file line for now, so I could test the view rendered ok.
render ‘download’
“Ruby on Rails: Talk” group.
then just link to the controller action which provides this:-send_file @billing_run.tu_raw_bill_csv.path
Hi David.
All my files are being versioned with GIT, so I don’t really want to use a
DB table just for storing IDs if I can help it.
But from what you write below, esp that files get changed it sounds to
like you are going to be spending some time writing and polishing code
handle this. If I understand what you are doing correctly, I believe you
will spend more time and frustration doing it yourself than letting a
like paperclip or carrierwave handle. But that said…
Would it be possible to have the action in the controller farm out to the
web-server to serve the files as long as they are in an authorized
directory, then use grit to checkout the downloaded content in GIT?
You could do this, but then you would just bypass your controller,
The link you provide would be to a file on your authroized directory for
user. I have not done this but sounds possible… and then how are you
handling checking in and out of git? Sounds like a lot of work… I
done similar but using S3 + paperclip, which to me sounds a lot easier.
again, I dont know your reasons for using git… and you probably have
I still have the problem of telling the server exactly which file to serve.
Someone may correct me, but I believe if you are going to depend on your
webserver to do this, you would need to follow how your web server does
combined with the structure of your filesystem.
The idea is that users can annotate stuff then re-upload it. These changes
will be re-committed, so a history of the file will be stored. This does
screw up if a user changes the filename, but will deal with that later!
Oh, I see, yes, that might be a reason to use git but I believe you can
paperclip and maybe carrierwave save revisions although this has not be
interest to me yet.