Dragonfly permissions problem on server

I am running in production on Ubuntu 10 with Passenger and Apache2. I
just had to set my system/dragonfly folder to 777 in order to allow
uploads to work, and that doesn’t seem like a good idea or even
necessary. What’'s the trick to get this to work correctly (as in not
world-writable folders inside the Web root)?

Thanks in advance,


On Oct 11, 2011, at 9:42 AM, Walter Lee D. wrote:

I am running in production on Ubuntu 10 with Passenger and Apache2. I just had
to set my system/dragonfly folder to 777 in order to allow uploads to work, and
that doesn’t seem like a good idea or even necessary. What’'s the trick to get
this to work correctly (as in not world-writable folders inside the Web root)?

generally a passenger/rails application will run as the same user who
owns RAILS_ROOT/config/environment.rb or in the case of a Rack based
application, RAILS_ROOT/config.ru but that can be overridden in the
apache config (passenger_user). As long as this ‘user’ has write
permissions, that should be sufficient and should in all likelihood be
the same user writing to RAILS_ROOT/log/[development|production].log


On Oct 11, 2011, at 12:54 PM, Craig W. wrote:

On Oct 11, 2011, at 9:42 AM, Walter Lee D. wrote:

I am running in production on Ubuntu 10 with Passenger and Apache2. I just had
to set my system/dragonfly folder to 777 in order to allow uploads to work, and
that doesn’t seem like a good idea or even necessary. What’'s the trick to get
this to work correctly (as in not world-writable folders inside the Web root)?

generally a passenger/rails application will run as the same user who owns
RAILS_ROOT/config/environment.rb or in the case of a Rack based application,
RAILS_ROOT/config.ru but that can be overridden in the apache config
(passenger_user). As long as this ‘user’ has write permissions, that should be
sufficient and should in all likelihood be the same user writing to


My logs are being written to by root, but dragonfly is using the
nobody/nogroup user on this machine. What I did (reminder to self for
next time) was to momentarily set public/system to 777, delete dragonfly
from there, and upload one photo (which created all the folders and
subfolders with the correct ownership and permissions). Then I set
public/system back to 755 and it seems to continue working correctly.


On Oct 11, 2011, at 10:12 AM, Walter Lee D. wrote:


My logs are being written to by root, but dragonfly is using the nobody/nogroup
user on this machine. What I did (reminder to self for next time) was to
momentarily set public/system to 777, delete dragonfly from there, and upload one
photo (which created all the folders and subfolders with the correct ownership and
permissions). Then I set public/system back to 755 and it seems to continue
working correctly.

OK - so obviously user ‘root’ owns RAILS_ROOT/config/environment.rb, you
don’t have a passenger_user setting in your apache configuration so
Apache/passenger drops privileges and runs the web package as user

If you want to fix the permissions on public/system/dragonfly, then you
should either:

  • change the ownership of RAILS_ROOT/config/environment.rb
  • set the passenger_user in your apache configuration

and that user would have to be given write permissions not only on
RAILS_ROOT/public/system/dragonfly (recursively) but also RAILS_ROOT/log
folder (recursively) and also RAILS_ROOT/public/system (recursively)
