I am pretty new to Ruby-on-Rails, but I am trying to be able to have
html labels in the HTML forms dynamic.
I would like to store label values in a database so that the client may
change them on the fly, instead of having them hardcoded in the html
For example I would like the client to be able to change the html label:
Sex to Gender, if and when required. I do not want to have to be
contacted by the client to change it in the HTML form everytime.
There is a specific reason for wanting this. Does anybody know how or if
it can be done, and if so have any examples.
This can certainly be done in Ruby/Rails or other environments.
Assuming you’ve got 1 application which is reused by different clients
who need different strings, different approaches are possible.
Personally I might investigate ‘localization’ of your application for
each client. This covers existing ways to do that in Rails:
Depending on what you need, something as simple as serializing a hash of
label strings into each clients’s profile may work.
I am pretty new to Ruby-on-Rails, but I am trying to be able to have
html labels in the HTML forms dynamic.
I would like to store label values in a database so that the client may
change them on the fly, instead of having them hardcoded in the html
For example I would like the client to be able to change the html label:
Sex to Gender, if and when required. I do not want to have to be
contacted by the client to change it in the HTML form everytime.
There is a specific reason for wanting this. Does anybody know how or if
it can be done, and if so have any examples.