Dynamic tests possible?

Sorry if this is a newbie question, but here goes.

I was wondering if the following is somehow possible:

for file in Dir[’*.bmp’]
it “should be able to parse #{file}” do
p file
# test this file

Currently rspec seems to evaluate the blocks after the fact, leading
to “file” always being the last file in the list.
I was unsure how to pass a parameter into an “it” block.

On Aug 18, 2010, at 11:31 AM, rogerdpack wrote:

Sorry if this is a newbie question, but here goes.

I was wondering if the following is somehow possible:

for file in Dir[’*.bmp’]

Use this instead:

Dir["*.bmp"].each do |file|

On Aug 18, 2010, at 11:38 AM, David C. wrote:

Use this instead:

Dir["*.bmp"].each do |file|

it “should be able to parse #{file}” do
p file
# test this file

The reason, btw, has to do with ruby closures and scope. Ruby blocks are
closures, which means they have access to the state of the scope in
which they were defined, but they don’t access that state until they are
evaluated. By using an iterator that takes a block, we end up with two
nested closures:

[1,2,3].each do |n|
it “is #{n}” do
puts n

Here, the first time through the outer iterator, the value of n is 1.
The string passed to it() is evaluated at this time, so that string is
transformed to “is 1”. The block passed to it() is not eval’d yet, but
when it does get evaluated it will take on the value of the scope in
which it was defined, which the block passed to the iterator with its
block parameter. This will maintain a value of 1.

for n in [1,2,3]
it “is #{n}” do
puts n

Here, the first time through the outer loop, the value of n is 1. Again,
the string passed to it() is evaluated at this time, so that string is
transformed to “is 1”. When the block is eval’d, the scope in which it
was defined is the same scope in which the loop was defined, so n will
have changed to the last item in the list, 3.

Does this make sense to you?
